Sunshine Blogger Award


I’m so very excited to announce that I’ve been nominated for a Sunshine Blogger Award, by the incredible Martin of Through the Silver Screen. If you don’t already do so, be sure to check out and follow his blog, especially if you’re a film fan!

The Sunshine Blogger Award is a chain-letter project designed to honor the bloggers that bring the most sunshine into our lives, and consists of eleven fun questions that nominees must answer before they design their own questions and nominate up to eleven other bloggers that bring sunshine into their social media feed!

Without further ado, here are my answers to Martin’s questions:

1. What has been your favorite movie of 2016 thus far?

Hands down, “Hunt for the Wilderpeople” is the best film that I’ve seen this year so far. If you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to add it to your watchlist!

2. If you could pick an artist to write and perform a Bond theme, who would it be?

Well, one of my failings as a movie fan is that I’ve never gotten into the “James Bond” Movies. Even so, I’d love to see Billy Joel do a Bond theme. It may not be his style, but he’s a musical genius so I’m confident that he’d be able to do something amazing for a Bond theme.

3. You have the chance to interview five people from any aspect of films and film-making (director, actor, screenwriter, composer, cinematographer, etc.) of your choice. Who do you pick?

Well after I’ve fainted from shock at this incredible opportunity, I would choose Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Amy Poehler, Christopher Nolan, Kate McKinnon, and Lorne Michaels.

4. Favorite director of all time?

I can never answer this question…so tentatively I’ll say that my favorite director is Christopher Nolan. His films are always so well thought out and mind-bending.

5. What has been the most disappointing movie you have ever seen?

Probably “Reservoir Dogs”. Not because it was bad, but just because I’d heard such good things about it, yet when I got around to watching it I was unimpressed.

6. In your opinion, what has been the best movie of the 2010s so far?

Definitely “Inception”!

7. What is a franchise that you would like to see get put to bed?

There are so many…but for now, let’s go with “Transformers” and “Alvin and the Chipmunks”.

8. Marvel or DC?

Marvel. Marvel. Marvel.

9. Favorite film character of all time?

Even though she’s technically a book character, Hermione Granger. I always have (and still do) aspired to be just like her!

10. You have the chance to visit either: a Galaxy Far Far Away, Middle earth, Asgard, or Hogwarts? Where do you go?

As you can figure out from my previous response, I would get right onto that train to Hogwarts.

11. Do you think it is a bad thing that a fair quantity of movies these days tend to be remakes, reboots, and sequels?

Yes, for a couple of reasons. Reboots/remakes/sequels almost always come from greed, not from an inspired thought – they are purely for money-making purposes. Also, these films discourage originality; because why come up with your own idea when you can profit off of someone else’s?

Here are my nominees for the Sunshine Blogger Award –These folks have great content, so be sure to check them out!  

And, my questions for all of you:

  1. What would be your dream job (disregarding worries about pay or scheduling)?
  2. What are some of your favorite childhood films?
  3. As an ode to Barbara Walters: If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
  4. What’s your least favorite film genre?
  5. Which whimsical sitcom character do you most relate to? Or, if you’re not a sitcom fan, which character of any genre?
  6. What’s the last movie you watched, and was it any good?
  7. If you follow the Oscars, what do you think has been the biggest snub of all time?
  8. Who is your favorite movie love interest (you cannot cite “The Notebook)?
  9. What movie are you most looking forward to in September?
  10. What sayings or personal mantra do you live your life by?
  11. Are you a cat person or a dog person?

Thanks for reading, and thank you again to Martin for the nomination!

4 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Good job. I love Hunt for the Wilderpeople too.

    What would be your dream job (disregarding worries about pay or scheduling)?
    I’m doing it. I’m happy.
    What are some of your favorite childhood films?
    As an ode to Barbara Walters: If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
    elm. shady.
    What’s your least favorite film genre?
    Which whimsical sitcom character do you most relate to? Or, if you’re not a sitcom fan, which character of any genre?
    phoebe, friends
    What’s the last movie you watched, and was it any good?
    watched in the blood, for tiff, and no, not really
    If you follow the Oscars, what do you think has been the biggest snub of all time?
    of all time??? my memory is too poor for this!
    Who is your favorite movie love interest (you cannot cite “The Notebook)?
    hugh grant in almost anything
    What movie are you most looking forward to in September?
    mascots at tiff, also la la land
    What sayings or personal mantra do you live your life by?
    more is more
    Are you a cat person or a dog person?
    definitely dog

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks again for nominating us.

    What would be your dream job (disregarding worries about pay or scheduling)? – Motivational Speaker
    What are some of your favorite childhood films? – Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Batman (1989)
    As an ode to Barbara Walters: If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be? – One that is one a heritage site, so no developers could chop me down
    What’s your least favorite film genre? – I don’t have a least favourite, but I will admit don’t watch as many horror films as I probably should.
    Which whimsical sitcom character do you most relate to? Or, if you’re not a sitcom fan, which character of any genre? – Abhed Nadir from Community
    What’s the last movie you watched, and was it any good? -Le Ciel Flamand which is playing TIFF this week. It was surprisingly good.
    If you follow the Oscars, what do you think has been the biggest snub of all time? – Brokeback Mountain not winning best picture.
    Who is your favorite movie love interest (you cannot cite “The Notebook)? – Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge
    What movie are you most looking forward to in September? – Some of the stuff I’ll be seeing at TIFF (e.g. Arrival, Manchester by the Sea, Moonlight, Loving)
    What sayings or personal mantra do you live your life by? – “Don’t stress over things you can’t control”
    Are you a cat person or a dog person? – Neither. I am a beta fish kind of guy.

    Liked by 1 person

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