Movie Characters Who’ll Make You Optimistic About Life

There are so many moving and inspiring films which feature noble characters and restore our faith in humanity. These characters always handle adversity with a certain courage, and they look at the horrors in life the way that many of us are afraid to. However, this post is not focusing on those characters. This post is dedicated to all the film characters who make us look forward to the good things in life. These characters are the ones that make me (personally) excited about being alive and living – and hopefully reading about some of them will make you feel the same way. Enjoy!


Elle Woods – Legally Blonde; Legally Blonde 2

This blonde icon most certainly isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, nor is her mission of following her ex to Harvard Law School the most noble. But, what Elle lacks in brains she makes up for with her infectious positivity. All throughout the two films in the series, she’s got a huge grin on her face and spreads it to everyone around her. Honestly, if more people took a pink, scented leaf out of this character’s book, the world would be a much happier place.

Louie Lastik – Remember The Titans

Odds are, you don’t remember who Louie Lastik is off the top of your head. That’s because Remember The Titans has so many wonderful characters that it’s hard to keep their names straight. As you can see in the clip from the film below (which happens to be one of my favorite movie scenes of all time), Louie is the giant white goofball. This guy is so upbeat that from the moment he jogs in late to the first tension-filled team meeting, you can’t help but love him. Also, you’ve gotta love this guy for being the first one to break the racial barrier on the team by sitting at the black players’ table!

jimhalper Jim Halpert – The Office

I know, I know – The Office isn’t a movie, but I just had to sneak Mr. Jim Halpert onto this list. This man takes on life like it’s a game, and no matter the situation, he somehow makes himself a winner. On top of that, he shows how patience in life pays off. [Spoiler alert!] He waits for what feels like an eternity for a girl who’s in a relationship, and eventually they get married! This just goes to show: if you go in smiling, you’ll come out a winner.


Noah  – The Notebook

Although I wasn’t a fan of The Notebook, I’m still a girl and part of me melts at the sweetness of Noah. He makes me – and many other girls – wishful that we’ll get to be in love with someone like him. And we won’t even make him dangle himself off of a Ferris Wheel! Dating has changed a lot since the setting of The Notebook; there are rarely any grand romantic gestures anymore. Noah gives us ladies a flicker of hope that maybe one day someone will send us 365 letters…or whatever other romantic gesture they’re willing to offer.

tracyturnbladTracy Turnblad – Hairspray

Tracy is another girl brimming with positivity. She’s unpopular in school and unfortunate in the body department, but she never lets that stop her from doing her thing. All Tracy wants to do is dance – so that’s what she does. Another plus: she’d “make everyday Negro Day!” on the Corny Collins show in the 1960’s. Oh, and we can’t forget – she scores Link, the jackpot gentleman. Tracy is certain an excellent role model, and a film character to remember!

anapascalAna Pascal – Stranger Than Fiction

I know that Stranger Than Fiction isn’t as well-known as these other films, so here’s a quick rundown: An unlucky auditor (Will Ferrell) discovers that he is the ill-fated protagonist of a novel in progress, the author of which is notorious for killing off her heroes. Along the way, he goes to audit a tax-evading bakery owned by Ana Pascal – the character I’ve identified. What’s great about her is her passion for what she does, and the fact that she is able to derive enjoyment from the simple things in life. Finally, every time I think about her, I’m reminded of hot and delicious chocolate chip cookies.

mariathesoundofmusicMaria The Sound Of Music

If you say that Maria doesn’t make you want to run outside and start singing about the hills being alive, you’re lying. She’s certainly an example of Julie Andrews at her finest. Whenever I’m upset, there’s a part of me that’s certain that if Maria were to pop up and start singing about her favorite things, everything would be alright. For now, I guess I’ll just keep hoping…

hermioniegrangerHermionie Granger – The Harry Potter Films

When I was a younger, every Halloween I would try to dress up as Hermionie Granger – but everyone would insist “No, you have to be Ginny! You have red hair!”. Well, I wanted to be the character that was my hero! Hermionie is witty, intelligent, caring, perserverant, and just everything wonderful. Also, as we’ve figured out by now, the film version of her character grows up to be quite a beautiful woman. To this day, she is still my ultimate inspiration and role model.

ferrisbuellerFerris Bueller – Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Okay, so Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is a completely unrealistic movie with a terrible message (cutting class is great, kids!). But, Bueller himself? A visionary. Who among us hasn’t quoted his memorable line: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around every once and a while, you might miss it.”?  His overall spirit is admirable, and you can’t deny that it makes you want to go out and live your life to the fullest.

I’m sure that in this short list I’ve left out many inspiring movie characters, so please don’t hesitate to mention your favorites. It’s always quite wonderful to find fictional characters who bring enthusiasm and motivation into the real world!

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